Flower Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Araceae) Bogor John Dransfield
Habit Cyrtosperma giganteum (Araceae) golf course, Freeport Tim Utteridge
Plant Portrait Amorphophallus campanulatus (Araceae) J.J. Ochse & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (1980) f.30
Plant Portrait Colocasia esculenta (Araceae) M.R. Henderson, Malayan wild flowers, Monocotyledons (1949-51, repr. 1974) 223
Plant Portrait Pothos versteegii (Araceae) H.D. Shaw, Blumea 40 (1995) 410
Plant Portrait Rhaphidophora korthalsii (Araceae) M.R. Henderson, Malayan wild flowers, Monocotyledons (1954, repr. 1974) 239
Fruit Amorphophallus titanum (Araceae) Merangin John Dransfield