Familia Juncaceae


Morphological description

Herbaceous. Stems tufted.


Leaves spiral, sheathing at base, usually leaves grass-like or terete.


Flower bisexual, 3-merous; ovary superior, ovules 3 or more.


Fruit a capsule.

Different from: Cyperaceae: leaves 3-ranked, ovule one. - Restionaceae: flowers unisexual, ovule one.

Distribution: The family widespread in temperate regions. In Malesia 2 genera, Juncus and Luzula, both in wet open places in the mountains.

Literature: C.A. Backer, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1951) 210-215.

Illustrations: Fig. 93. Juncus prismatocarpus R. Br. (Juncaceae). Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 4 (1951) 213, fig. 2a.

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