Familia Malvaceae


NB In APG IV other families are included in the Malvaceae (Bombacae, Sterculiacea and Tiliaceae). This is the Plant Portrait for Malvaceae s.s.

Morphological description

Non-climbing, usually shrubs and bark fibrous.


Leaves spiral, simple, no domatia, stipulate. Usually leaves entire (but often lobed), palminerved, with stellate hairs. Sometimes gland on midrib below (Hibiscus).




Flower5-merous, actinomorphic, hermaphroditic; sepals connate, petals free, stamens numerous, filaments fused in a tube, and this fused to base of petals; ovary superior. Usually epicalyx, petals contort.


Fruit a capsule. Sometimes fruit spiny (Urena).



Different from: Bombacaceae: leaves penninerved, no epicalyx. — Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae: leaves often with domatia, gynandrophore usually present, stamens usually fewer and not fused to corolla.

Distribution: World-wide, best represented in the tropics. In Malesia 7 native genera, incl.: - Abutilon (pantropical), herbs and shrubs, open places; - Hibiscus (pantropical), shrubs and trees, lowland, mostly open places; - Sida (pantropical), herbs or shrubs, often weedy.

Notes: Several genera represented by introduced, naturalized species. Several species useful to man. — Ornamentals: Hibiscus, Malvaviscus, Pavonia*, Thespesia. — Medicinal use: Sida. — Edible plants: Abelmoschus, Hibiscus. — Binding and clothing: Hibiscus, Gossypium*..

Literature: J. van Borssum Waalkes, Malesian Malvaceae revised, Blumea 14 (1966) 1-213.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Malvaceae 25, 58, 84 - Hibiscus 26, 31, 37, 38 - Sida 38, 95 - Thespesia 19, 26, 38 - Urena 95.

Illustrations: Fig. 102. Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb. ex Hornem. Fig. 103. Urena lobata L.

Image in PhytoImages for Malvaceae