Familia Ranunculaceae


Morphological description

Usually herbaceous. Sometimes climbers with opposite leaves, climbing with petioles (Clematis) or with tendrils (Naravelia).


Leaves simple or very often deeply incised or pinnately compound; usually without stipules.




Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, stamens numerous; carpels many, more or less free. Usually sepals and petals present, free.


Fruit nuts, follicles or berries often with the styles persistent forming plumes.



Different from: Clematis could be confused with Illigera (Hernandiaceae): stamens few, fruit winged. 

Distribution: The family worldwide. In Malesia 4 genera, including: - Clematis, climbers, chiefly lowland forest edges and disturbed places; - Ranunculus, simple leaved terrestrial herbs on high mountains.

Notes: Some exotic species are planted as ornamentals; some native species of Clematis are potential ornamentals.

Literature: H. J. Eichler, Bibl. Bot. Heft 124 (1958) 1-110.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Ranunculaceae 79 - Clematis 5, 6, 48, 49, 50, 64, 86 - Naravelia 4, 6, 49 - Ranunculus 95 - Thalictrum 50.

Illustrations: Fig. 154. Ranunculus coacervatus Merr. & Perry (Ranunculaceae). Reproduced from Bibliotheca Botanica Heft 124 (1958) 78, fig. 15a. Courtesy Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. Fig. 155. Clematis dioscoreaefolia Levl. & Van. (Ranunculaceae). Reproduced from Hsuan Keng, Orders and Families of Malayan Seed plants (1978) fig. 18. With kind permission of Prof. and Mrs. Keng.

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