Familia Sapotaceae


Morphological description

Woody; milky sap, at least in some organ.


Leaves usually spiral, stipulate; indumentum golden to brown. Sometimes leaves opposite, branched inflorescence (Sarcosperma).


Inflorescence an axillary fascicle. Sometimes cauliflorous (Aulandra, Magodendron). Sometimes branched inflorescence (Sarcosperma).


Flowers simple, entire; indumentum, if present, of balance hairs with unequal arms; no extrafloral glands; flowers actinomorphic, sympetalous; ovary superior, 1 ovule per cell, 1 style. Usually hermaphroditic; alternipetalous stamens sterile; disk present (often adnate to ovary). Sometimes sepals in 2 rows of 3 (Palaquium); sepals 5, quincuncial (Planchonella, also in Pouteria); sepals in 2 rows of 2 (Ganua, Madhuca, also in Payena).


Fruit a berry, very hard when dry.


Seed with brown shining testa usually with a large scar. Som shining part of testa very small (Burckella, Pouteria).

Different from: Ebenaceae: no milky sap, no balance hairs, bark and dried leaves often blackish, flowers unisexual. — Myrsinaceae: leaves with dark dots, exstipulate. 

Distribution: The family pantropical. In Malesia 17 genera, incl.: - Madhuca (Indo-Australia), trees of lowland and mid-montane forest; - Palaquium (Indo-Malesia, Pacific), trees of lowland and mid-montane rain forest, also in swamp forest; - Planchonella (Indo-Australia), trees rarely shrubs, mostly lowland rain forest.

Notes: Sarcosperma is often regarded as a separate family (Lam, 1948). — Several good timber trees (Nyatoh): Palaquium, Planchonella, Madhuca; latex (gutta percha): Palaquium. — Edible fruits: Manilkara achras*, M. kauki, Chrysophyllum cainito*, Pouteria cainito*, some species of Palaquium and Madhuca. — Ornamental tree: Mimusops elengi.

Literature: H.J. Lam, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 7 (1925) 1-289; Fl. Males. I, 4 (1948) 32-34. Revisions in Blumea 1930-1962 by several authors; F.S.P. Ng. Tree Fl. Mal. 1 (1972) 388-439; T.D. Pennington, The genera of Sapotaceae, Roy. Bot. Gard. Kew (1991) xi + 295 pp.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Sapotaceae 19, 25, 33, 45, 57, 65, 68, 71, 83 - Aulandra 53, 70 - Chrysophyllum 26, 67 - Ganua pallida 46 - Madhuca 85; M. sessilis 46 - Mago-dendron 70 - Manilkara 14 - Mimusops 67 - Palaquium 14, 26, 67, 79 - Payena 26, 67 - Planchonella 26; P. keyensis 70; P. punctata 12 - Pouteria 14 - Sarcosperma 31, 58, 60, 83.

Illustrations: Fig. 152. Madhuca crassipes (Pierre) H.J. Lam, showing habit and detail of flower and fruit. Fig. 153. Palaquium brassii H.J. Lam: a. habit; b-f. details of flower; g. CS of fruit. Fig. 154. Payena lucida DC.: a & d. flowering branch; b, c, e. flower; f. stamens; g. ovary. Fig. 155. Sarcosperma breviracemosum H.J. Lam: a. habit; b & c. inflorescence; d-g. detail of flower; h. fruit.

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