Familia Bombacaceae


Synonym of Malvaceae in APGIV. But often regarded as separate monphyletic family.

Morphological description

Woody, non-climbing plants, usually trees; stipulate. Armed trunk in Bombax, Ceiba.


Leaves spiral, usually simple, penninerved, usually with scales or stellate hairs, entire; leaves digitate in Bombax, Ceiba; leaves notched in some species of Neesia.




Flower sepals fused, petals free, stamens numerous, filaments connate at base; ovary superior, 2-5-locular.


Fruit a capsule, spiny.


Seeds arillate.

Different from: Cochlospermaceae: no stellate hairs, filaments free. — Malvaceae: leaves often palminerved, seeds hairy. — Sterculiaceae: often palminerved, often gynandrophore.

Distribution: The family is pantropical. In Malesia 6 indigenous genera, mostly of lowland rain forest, incl.: - Bombax (paleotropics), seasonal forest; - Durio (Southeast Asia, West Malesia), lowland rain forest.

Notes: Pollination is mostly by bats, seeds of several species eaten by various animals. — Edible fruit: Durio. — Hairs (kapok): Ceiba. — Timber: Coelostegia, Durio.

Literature: R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Bull, Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 6 (1929) 161-240; K.M. Kochummen, Tree Fl. Mal. 1 (1972) 100-120. — Prof. E. Soepadmo (KEP) is revising the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Bombacaceae stamens numerous, seeds arillate (p.p.), Bombax leafless when flowering, armed plants, terminalia branching, stellate hairs (p.p.), leaves palmately compound, Camptostemon scales, petiole swollen apically, Ceiba armed plants, terminalia branching, leaves palmately compound, Coelostegia scales, fruit spiny or muricate, Lagerstroemia capsule, Cullenia fruit spiny or muricate, Durio scales, petiole swollen apically, 70, fruit spiny or muricate, Kostermansia fruit spiny or muricate, Neesia scales, stinging hairs, petiole swollen apically, Dicots with large leaves (p.p.), fruit spiny or muricate, Lagerstroemia capsule.

Illustrations: Fig. 17 Durio acutifolius (Mast.) Kostermm. (Courtesy Dr. P.J.A. Kessler).

Images in PhytoImages for Bombacaeae.