Familia Epacridaceae


NB Synonym of Ericaceae

Morphological description



Leaves simple, spiral, entire, venation longitudinal, exstipulate.


Inflorescence usually spike-like.


Flower sepals 4-5, free, corolla tubular, anthers 1-locular, inserted on the corolla, alternating with the lobes, ovary superior. Usually bisexual, disk present, ovule one per cell.

Different from: Ericaceae: venation of leaves never longitudinal, anthers 2-locular.

Distribution: The family widespread from SE Asia to South America, best represented in Australia. In Malesia 3 genera, including- Styphelia (Malesia, Australia, Pacific), shrubs, treelets, lowland to montane, often on acid soils.

Notes: Some species are potential ornamentals.

Literature: H. Sleumer, Fl. Males. I, 6 (1964) 422- 444.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): -.

Illustrations: Fig. 76. Styphelia suaveolens (Hook. f.) Warb. (Epacridaceae). a. Habit; b. flower; c. male flower, open corolla; d. rudimentary ovary in male flower; e. female flower, open corolla; f. female flower, ovary; g. fruit; h-k. leaves in various shapes and sizes. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 6 (1964) 429, fig. 6. a i j k g h f e b c d.