Familia Juglandaceae


Morphological description

Trees usually deciduous before flowering, scales on young parts.


Leaves spiral, paripinnate, rachis tip free; exstipulate.


Inflorescence catkins.


Flower small, 4-merous, unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious) in catkins, perianth reduced; ovary inferior, 1-locular, 1 erect ovule.


Fruit covered by a 3-lobed winged accrescent bract.

Different from: Myricaceae: leaves simple, fruit a drupe. — Sapindaceae: inflorescence never a catkin, fruit never covered by 3-winged bract.

Distribution: The family is widespread in the northern hemisphere; in Malesia only Engelhardia (Himalaya to New Guinea), mainly montane forest.

Notes: Although some species attain considerable size the wood is of inferior quality.

Literature: M. Jacobs, Fl. Males. I, 6 (1960) 143-154; E.J.F. Campbell, Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak 1 (1995) 233-244.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): 26, 41, 58, 78, 92, 98. 146 Fig. 84. Engelhardia rigida Blume: a. habit; b. male flower.

Illustrations: Fig. 84. Engelhardia rigida Blume: a. habit; b. male flower.

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