Familia Pittosporaceae


Morphological description

Woody, non-climbing, usually aromatic. Sometimes spiny shrub, fruit indehiscent (Citriobatus).


Leaves simple, penninerved, spiral, exstipulate. Usually leaves partly crowded, entire.




Flowers actinomorphic, usually 5-merous, bisexual; sepals and petals imbricate, nearly free; anthers usually basifixed, placentation parietal.


Fruit a 2-carpellate capsule; seeds many, in sticky pulp. Sometimes fruit indehiscent (Citriobatus).


Seed many, in sticky pulp.

Different from: Goodeniaceae: flowers zygomorphic, sepals and petals united. 

Distribution: Old World, mainly tropics, best represented in Australia. In Malesia 3 genera, incl.: - Pittosporum (Canary islands to Hawaii and South Polynesia), shrubs, trees, sometimes epiphytic; lowland to montane rain forest and monsoon forest.

Notes: Pittosporum often has bright coloured capsules with contrasting black seeds, which are eaten by birds. — Some species planted as ornamentals.

Literature: K. Bakker & C.G.G. J. van Steenis, Fl. Males. I, 5 (1957) 345-362; I, 6 (1972) 960-963.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Bursaria* 12 - Citriobatus 12 - Hymenosporum 102 - Pittosporum 14, 17, 28, 46, 101.

Illustrations: Fig. 132. Pittosporum moluccanum (Lam.) Miq.: a. flowering branch; b. flower bud; c. LS of flower; d. stamen; e. fruit; f. fruit dehisced.

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