Familia Polygalaceae


Morphological description

Sometimes climbers, glands at the nodes, fruit a samara (Securidaca); saprophytes (Epirixanthes); tree, flowers actinomorphic (Eriandra).


Leaves simple, entire, usually spiral with scattered glands below; exstipulate. Sometimes leaves turning yellow upon drying (most Xanthophyllum spp.).


Inflorescence usually racemose.


Flowers 5-merous, bisexual, anthers basifixed, ovary superior. Usually zygomorphic, filaments connate, ovary 2-locular. Sometimes flowers actinomorphic (Eriandra).


Fruit: usually style articulate with the fruit. Sometimes fruit a samara (Securidaca).



Different from: Leguminosae (Papilionoideae): leaves often compound, usually stipulate, ovary 1-locular, often stipitate. — Trigoniaceae: leaves with dense white indument below, fruit 3-winged. 

Distribution: World-wide, especially tropics; in Malesia 6 genera, incl.: - Polygala (world-wide), herbs, shrubs, rarely climbers, rain forest, open places; - Xanthophyllum (Indo-Australia), shrubs or trees, rain forest, mostly lowland.

Notes: Trigoniastrum (Trigoniaceae) sometimes included in the family, whereas Xanthophyllum is also regarded as a separate family. — Limited use as timber: Xanthophyllum. — Edible fruit: some Xanthophyllum; fragrant roots: Polygala paniculata*.

Literature: R. van der Meijden, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1988) 455-539.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Polygalaceae 58, 84, 104 - Epirixanthes 7 - Eriandra 31 - Polygala 5, 73 - Salomonia 64 - Securidaca 5, 98 - Xanthophyllum 12, 31, 39, 55, 94; X. adenotus 53.

Illustrations: Fig. 133. Securidaca ecristata Kassau: a. inflorescence; b. flower; c. keel; d. lateral and upper petals; e. gynoecium; f. staminal tube; g. fruits. Fig. 134. Xanthophyllum ellipticum Korth. ex Miq.

Image in PhytoImages for Polygalaceae