Familia Vitaceae


Morphological description

Climbers, incl. creepers.


Leaves spiral. Usually leaves compound, stipulate, dentate, and with tendril and inflorescence leaf opposed. Sometimes leaves simple: Ampelocissus (some), Cissus (most), Pterisanthes (some), Vitis*; tendril on inflorescence (Ampelocissus, Pterisanthes); inflorescence ribbon-like (Pterisanthes)


Sometimes tendril on inflorescence (Ampelocissus, Pterisanthes); inflorescence ribbon-like (Pterisanthes).


Flowers petals free, valvate; stamens opposite the petals; ovary superior, adnate to the disk, 2-locular. Usually hermaphrodite,


Fruit a berry with 2- 4 seeds.



Different from: Cucurbitaceae: flowers usually large, tendrils lateral to petiole, ovary inferior. 

Distribution: The family worldwide, chiefly tropical. In Malesia 9 genera, including : - Cayratia (paleotropics), lowland to montane rain forest; - Cissus (pantropical), lowland to montane rain forest; - Tetrastigma (Indo-Australia), lowland to montane rain forest.

Notes: Leea (a genus of shrubs and trees, common in Malesia) is considered to belong to a family in its own right: Leeaceae; see Ridsdale, Fl. Mal. I, 7 (1976) 755-782. - Tetrastigma is the sole host for species of Rafflesia. - Vitis vinifera* is cultivated for its fruit (grapes). Some species are (potential) ornamentals.

Literature: K. Suessenguth, Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 20d (1953) 174-398; C.A. Backer & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 2 (1965) 86-93. - Prof. A. Latiff Mohamed (UKMB) is revising the family for Flora Malesiana.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Vitaceae 48, 58, 83 - Ampelocissus 4 - Ampelopsis 4, 50, 72 - Cayratia 4 - Cissus 2, 4, 35, 59, 72; C. alata 15 - Nothocissus 4 - Parthenocissus 4 - Pterisanthes 4, 76 - Tetrastigma 4, 59, 70, 105 - Vitis 4.

Illustrations: Fig. 182. Cissus discolor Blume (Vitaceae). Reproduced from J.J. Ochse & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies (1980) fig. 440. Fig. 183. Tetrastigma megacarpum Latiff (Vitaceae). Habit. Reproduced from Blumea 35 (1991) 562, fig. 2A.

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