Familia Coriariaceae


Morphological description

Woody; roots with nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria.


Leaves simple, entire, opposite, palminerved, exstipulate. Leaves usually seemingly distichous


Inflorescence a raceme.


Flower polygamous, actinomorphic, 5-merous, sepals 5, petals 5, stamens 10, carpels 5-10 free.

Different from: others.

Distribution: The only genus in the family, Coriaria, has a remarkably disjunct, widespread distribution (see map in Van Balgooy, 1966). In Malesia two species, one in Luzon, the other in Papua New Guinea, both in montane rain forest, often near streams.

Notes: The mature carpels are partly covered by the fleshy petals.

Literature: M.M. J. van Balgooy, Pacific Plant Areas 2 (1966) 123, map 67; B.E.E. Duyfjes, Fl. Males. I, 11 (1993) 385-391.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Coriaria 15, 64.

Illustrations: Fig. 57. Coriaria papuana Warburg (Coriariaceae). Part of branch and apical part with inflorescences; flowers enlarged. Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 11 (1993) 390, fig. 1a-c. 81 Fig. 58. Corsia lamellata Schltr. (Corsiaceae). Reproduced from Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 49 (1913) 111, fig. 1: K, L.

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