Familia Monimiaceae


Morphological description

Plant woody, usually non-climbing. Sometimes climber with stellate hairs (Palmerian).


Leaves simple, (sub)opposite, penninerved, with fine pellucid dots. Usually coarsely dentate, secondary veins strongly arching.




Flower tepaloid (no distinction between sepals and petals), carpels 1-locular, with one ovule. Usually actinomorphic, unisexual; hypanthium cup-shaped with free stamens or carpels.


Fruit apocarpous, enclosed by irregularly dehiscent hypanthium.

Different from: Lauraceae: leaves entire, rarely opposite, anthers always opening by valves; never apocarpous. — Annonaceae: leaves entire, never opposite, medullary rays dilating.

Distribution: The family widespread in the southern hemisphere. In Malesia (best represented in the eastern part) 11 genera, incl.: - Kibara (Indo-Australia), shrubs, small trees, lowland and montane forest; - Matthaea (Malesia), shrubs, mostly lowland forest; - Palmeria (Australia, East Malesia), climbers, mostly montane forest; - Steganthera (Queensland, East Malesia), trees or shrubs, lowland and montane forest.

Notes: Sphenostemon and Trimenia have been excluded from the Monimiaceae and are placed in their own families, Sphenostemonaceae and Trimeniaceae, respectively.

Literature: W.R. Philipson, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1986) 255-326.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Monimiaceae 59 - Kibara 9, 46, 47, 96 - Leviera 6, 85 - Palmeria 5, 6, 25, 64 - Steganthera 9, 70.

Illustrations: Fig. 108. Kibara ferox Philipson: a. leaf from middle branch; b. axillary fascicles of female flowers after anthesis; c. female flower; d. idem in LS. Fig. 109. Palmeria womersleyi Philipson: a. habit of male twig; b. LS of female flower; c. opened receptacle.

Image in PhytoImages for Monimiaceae