Familia Olacaceae


NB In APG IV the family is split up in several families; families in the region: Aptandraceae, Erythropalaceae, Coulaceae, Schoepfiaceae, Strombosiaceae, Ximeniaceae. In this key the characters that lead to the Olacaceae still contain the character codings for the Olaceae s.l. The description for Olacaceae is therefore left as Olacaceae s.l. The separate genera in the region are placed under the family as in APG IV. 

Morphological description

Woody. Sometimes climber with tendrils, leaves palminerved (Erythropalum); spiny shrub, petals bearded inside (Ximenia). Sometimes crushed parts smelling of garlic (Scorodocarpus);


Leaves simple, alternate or spiral, exstipulate. Leaves usually entire, penninerved, finely tubercled. Sometimes leaves palminerved (Erythropalum); some milky sap, secondary and tertiary veins parallel (Ochanostachys).




Flower sepals connate; stamens oppositipetalous; ovules pendulous. Usually hermaphroditic, actinomorphic; petals free, valvate, often hairy inside, stamens twice the number of petals, ovary 1-locular or 3-5-locular in the lower half, often (seemingly) inferior. Sometimes petals bearded inside (Ximenia) or corolla tubular (Schoepfia).


Fruit a 1-seeded drupe. Sometimes calyx strongly accrescent in fruit (Harmandia).



Different from: Opiliaceae: stamens the same number as tepals, no sepals, ovary superior, 1-locular. — Santalaceae: ovary inferior, ovule basal, no petals. 

Distribution: The family pantropical; in Malesia 9 genera, incl.: - Olax (paleotropical), shrubs, climbers; mostly monsoon forest; - Scorodocarpus (Southeast Asia, West Malesia), trees, lowland rain forest; - Strombosia (Africa, Indo-Malesia), shrubs or trees, lowland rain forest.

Notes: Erythropalum often placed in separate family. Some members hemiparasitic: Olax, Ximenia. — Some species useful for man; edible fruit: Anacolosa, Ximenia; edible leaves: Strombosia javanica; timber: Ochanostachys, Scorodocarpus, Strombosia.

Literature: H. Sleumer, Fl. Males. I, 10 (1984) 1-29.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Olacaceae 11, 58, 61, 79, 83, 92 - Anacolosa 19, 31, 59, 71; A. cauliflora 70 - Erythropalum 4, 64, 93 - Harmandia 80, 84, 93, 98 - Ochanostachys 19, 31, 57 - Olax 4, 12, 81 - Schoepfia 64 - Scorodocarpus 59, 64, 68, 71 - Strom-bosia 71 - Ximenia 12, 54, 71.

Illustrations: Fig. 123. Scorodocarpus borneensis Becc.: a. habit; b. flower bud; c. flower; d. flower, part of petals removed; e. fruit.

Image in PhytoImages for Olacaceae