Familia Aponogetonaceae


Morphological description

Aquatic herbs, laticiferous, exstipulate.


Leaves oblong, basally crowded, venation parallel.


Flowers usually bisexual, perianth segments 2; ovary superior, apocarpous.

Different from: Hydrocharitaceae, not laticiferous, ovary inferior. - Potamogetonaceae, not laticiferous.

Distribution: The only genus of the family, Aponogeton, is confined to the Old World, best represented in Africa and Madagascar. In Malesia 4 native species.

Notes: Aponogeton fenestralis* is cultivated as an ornamental.

Literature: C.G.G. J. van Steenis, Fl. Males. I, 4 (1948) 11-12; H.W.E. van Bruggen, Fl. Males. I, 7 (1971) 213-218.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Aponogeton White or yellow sap.

Illustrations: Fig. 16. Aponogeton womersleyi Bruggen (Aponogetonaceae). Reproduced from Flora Malesiana I, 7 (1971) 217, fig. 4a.

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