Familia Rubiaceae


Morphological description

Sometimes herbs, leaves of a pair unequal, flowers like those of Solanum (Argostemma); sometimes climber with hooks (Uncaria); sometimes epiphytes with swollen hollow stems inhabited by ants (Anthorrhiza, Hydnophytum, Myrmecodia, Myrmephytum); sometimes cauliflorous treelets (Praravinia suberosa, Versteeghia); sometimes herbs, leaves verticillate, fruit with hooks (Galium). 


Leaves decussate, incl. verticillate (sometimes one leaf of a pair reduced), simple, entire, interpetiolar (rarely intrapetiolar) fused stipules. Usually with raphides. Sometimes leaves of a pair unequal (Argostemma). Sometimes stipules ochreate, ovary superior (Gaertnera); sometimes leaves verticillate, fruit with hooks (Galium).




Flowers corolla tubular, stamens isomerous, alternate with lobes. Usually hermaphroditic, actinomorphic, corolla 4- or 5-lobed; ovary inferior, 2-locular, placentation axile. Sometimes flowers like those of Solanum (Argostemma). Sometimes ovary superior (Gaertnera); sometimes one sepal enlarged and showy (Mussaenda [most species], Mussaendopsis, Steenisia p.p.).


Sometimes fruit with hooks (Galium).



Different from: Caprifoliaceae: leaves exstipulate. — Loganiaceae: no raphides, ovary superior. — Rhizophoraceae: petals free. 

Distribution: The family world-wide. In Malesia c. 135 genera (well represented in all vegetation types, but especially in the undergrowth of lowland and montane rain forest), incl.: - Gardenia (paleotropics), shrubs, treelets; lowland rain forest; - Hedyotis (pantropical), herbs, shrubs; lowland and montane rain forest, disturbed places; - Ixora (paleotropics), shrubs, treelets; lowland rain forest; - Mussaenda (paleotropics), shrubs, scramblers; lowland and montane rain forest both primary and secondary; - Nauclea (paleotropics), trees; lowland rain forest; - Psychotria (pantropical), shrubs, climbers, treelets; lowland and montane rain forest; - Uncaria (pantropical), climbers; lowland primary and secondary rain forest; - Urophyllum (paleotropics), shrubs, treelets; lowland and montane rain forest.

Notes: Despite the size of the family, rather few species useful for man. — Medicinal plants: Cinchona*, Mussaenda, Uncaria; drugs: Coffea*, Uncaria. — Dyes: Morinda, Rubia. — Timber: Anthocephalus (Neolamarckia), Nauclea. — Ornamentals: Gardenia, Hamelia*, Ixora, Mussaenda, Nertera, Pentas*.

Literature: C.A. Backer & R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 2 (1965) 274-357; K.M. Wong, Tree Fl. Mal. 4 (1989) 324-425. Several papers by C.E. Ridsdale.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): Rubiaceae 10, 14, 18, 30, 32, 58, 76, 77 - Acranthera 34, 51, 54 - Adina 96 - Aidia 47, 73 - Aidiopsis 5, 6, 47 - Allaeophania 5, 6 - Amaracarpus 63, 93 - Anomanthodia 5, 6 - Anthocephalus 96 - Anthorrhiza 2, 9, 12 - Aphaenandra 5, 6 - Argostemma 46, 47, 59, 63, 86 - Bikkia 102 - Canthium 4, 6, 12, 54 - Catunaregam 8, 12 - Cephalanthus 46 - Ceriscoides 4, 6, 12 - Cinchona 102 - Coelospermum 5, 6, 46, 96 - Coffea 22, 46 - Coprosma 46, 54; C. archboldiana 235 1 - Coptosapelta 5, 6, 102 - Cowiea 73, 76, 78 - Dichilanthe 22 - Dolicholobium 53 - Fagerlindia 4, 6, 12 - Gaertnera 46, 73 - Galium 37, 46, 64 - Gardenia 8, 22, 46, 73, 94 - Gardeniopsis 36 - Greenea 46, 69 - Guettarda 46 - Gynochthodes 5, 6, 54 - Gynopachys 5, 6 - Hamelia 46 - Hedyotis 34, 46, 47, 63; H. pterita 98 - Hydnophytum 2, 9, 54 - Hymenodictyon 8, 47, 102 - Ixora 46, 54, 70, 78 - Jackiopsis 34, 98 - Kochummenia 47 - Lasianthus 24, 52, 68, 93 - Lecananthus 15 - Lucinaea 5, 6 - Mastixiodendron 22, 92 - Metadina 96 - Meyna 12, 46 - Morinda 5, 6, 46, 54, 96 - Mussaenda 5, 6, 46; M. anisophylla 47 - Mussaendopsis 102 - Mycetia 63 - Myrmecodia 1, 9, 12, 54 - Myrmeconauclea 9 - Myrmephytum 2 - Nauclea 96 - Neonauclea 9, 96, 102 - Nertera 63; N. nigricarpa 93 - Oxyceros 4, 6, 12 - Paederia 5, 6, 24, 46; P. foetida 25; P. verticillata 98 - Pavetta 46, 54 - Pleiocraterium gentianifolia 1 - Porterandia 47, 54, 94 - Praravinia suberosa 70; P. verruculosa 95 - Prismatomeris 36, 76 - Psychotria 5, 6, 46, 54, 93, 99; P. myrmecophila 9 - Renellia 96 - Rothmannia 19, 47, 54, 94 - Rubia 37, 93 - Saprosma 24, 34, 46, 54, 93 - Steenisia 98 - Stichianthus 70, 73 - Tarenna 54 - Timonius 31, 59, 67, 99 - Uncaria 4, 6, 102 - Urophyllum 52, 70 - Versteeghia 70 - Wendlandia 46, 69, 102.

Illustrations: Fig. 142. Ixora pulcherrima Teijsm. & Binn., showing habit and intrapetiolar stipule. Fig. 143. Mitragyna tubulosa (Arn.) Havil.: a. habit; b. flowerheads; c. idem, in detail; d. flower; e. bracteole. Fig. 144. Psychotria adenophylla Wall., showing habit, flower and fruit.

Image in PhytoImages for Rubiaceae