Familia Salicaceae


NB Salicaceae now also includes parts of other families such as Flacourtiaceae and Scyphostegiaceae. This Plant Portrait is for Salicaceae s.s.

Morphological description

Shrubs or trees.


Leaves simple, spiral, dentate, stipules small or absent.


Inflorescence: catkins.


Flowers unisexual (plants dioecious), in catkins, perianth absent, ovary superior, 1-locular, ovules several, basal.


Fruit a capsule, seeds embedded in hairs.


Seed embedded in hairs.

Different from: Fagaceae: fruit cupular. 

Distribution: A northern hemisphere family. In Malesia only Salix with two species, of which only S. tetrasperma truly wild.

Notes: Often found along streams; also planted on dykes and as a fence.

Literature: Jacobs, Fl. Males. I, 5 (1954) 107-110.

Spot characters (Van Balgooy): 103.

Illustrations: Fig. 148. Salix tetrasperma Roxb.: a & b. habit; c. female inflorescence; d. female flower; e. male flower; f. fruit; g. gall; h. leaf; i. leaf of S. babylonica L. 

Image in PhytoImages for Salicaceae